Refund and Returns Policy

How can i cancel my order?

A order can be cancelled  within 2 hours after a order has been placed. U can reach out to us within this time through

Satifactiongaranty of gallery BAKKM

Your satisfaction is very important to us. That’s why our customer service team is always ready to assist you if your order does not meet your expectations.

We strive to continuously improve our performance with your feedback and to ensure your satisfaction in the future. Our goal with the WhiteWall satisfaction guarantee is therefore to address any concerns you may have by remaking the product or offering a refund.

Upon receipt of your order, if you encounter any problems, please contact our customer service immediately by email Be sure to mention our “Satisfaction Guarantee” and provide a detailed description of the defect in your order.

We also invite you to supplement your message with at least two clear photos of the problem, taken against a neutral background and in daylight. This allows us to carry out an initial assessment more accurately and efficiently.

Together with our Quality Management, we will investigate your case to determine the most appropriate solution. We will communicate our decision to you promptly (within 72 hrs) as soon as a solution has been reached.

What if the ordered print is damaged?

Despite extensive and secure packaging, unforeseen circumstances can cause orders to become damaged during shipping. We recommend accepting the delivery, even if there is visible damage to the packaging.

Please take photos of the damage and then contact our customer service team as soon as possible with the photos.Accepting the delivery and taking photos will help us speed up the process of resolving the issue and arranging a replacement. If you refuse the delivery, we will have to wait for the order to be returned to us before we can start arranging a replacement.

Our team will quickly assess your case and work on a suitable solution. Our priority is to ensure your satisfaction, and we are committed to addressing any shipping-related concerns efficiently. By following these steps and providing the necessary documentation, we can help you resolve any issues with your order in a timely manner. Please resond to

What are the delivery terms?

Shipping cost

Within Europe these are free of charge

Outside Europe these costs are 75,- euro

Please note that Gallery BAKKM is not responsible for bordercost or any other cost related to a countryspecific.

Delivery terms will be communicated with the buyer directly , for delivery within Europe this is max 21  days outside Europe max 4 weeks.

What is the returnpolicy?

Gallery BAKKM doesnot accept returns. However, as shown in our satisfactoryguarantee, we will allways work with you to find a solution for these kind of situations. However in this situation we will not return money but will offer you store credits for future sales.